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During The Black History Month Special Webinar, You’ll Discover The…

3 “paralyzing” reasons

Why most small businesses will never secure a £20K-£100K corporate contract

“Heartbeat Detector” method

To find out what companies are looking for right now so you can pitch the right products or solution

Word-by-word scripts

To sign off a contract in the next 3 months (setting you up financially)

Plus, many more tools so you can land a big corporate gig and TRIPLE your growth!.

Get Access To These Extra Bonuses:

If you stick until the end, you’ll find out how to unlock “The Corporate Goodies”

I literally hand you:

  • The names of 10 publications that pay £1K-£4K for each article you write

  • Step-by-step written script that secured a client in the US a $125,000 contract

  • My 90 min webinar recording on how to host an executive table that will give you PRIME entry to corporates

  • 30 FAQS and answers on how to secure your first or next corporate contract within 12 months

  • But to hear how to get your hand on ALL of those resources with a value of over £6000, you gotta stay to the end!

    Here’s What Attendees Say About Michelle’s Previous Webinars

    Hi Michelle, I just wanted to let you know that you webinar was brilliant and inspiring. I was following the developments of your event through self made but as l don't have a business or service yet didn't buy a ticket. Really feel inspired to really gain clarity on my next move so I can be at your next event. Thank you so00 much. Keep winning because you inspire the little people like me to want to move and not be afraid

    Michelle's session was more than just a learning experience – it was a journey of self- discovery. The knowledge she shared and the reflection points she provided were invaluable. I walked away with a clearer understanding of how to approach corporate client acquisition and a renewed excitement for the path ahead.

    I had the privilege of attending a session led by Michelle Raymond and i must say it was a game-changer. Michelle's insights on securing corporate clients were not only enlightening but also highly motivating. Her ability to deliver complex concepts in a relatable manner left me feeling energized and ready to take actionable steps.

    Join the webinar here!

    This Webinar Is Always Full!

    The 'Black history month special’' Webinar where you’ll uncover how to secure a £20K-£100K corporate contract will be hosted on Zoom. 

    Unfortunately, due to bandwidth limitations, I can only invite a certain number of small business owners so if you missed my first webinar, you are going to want to join this one and attend LIVE as there'll be no REPLAY!

    If I were you, I’d not only grab my free spot right now,

    But I’d also join 5 minutes earlier just so it’s guaranteed to watch the training and not get stuck in the waiting room

    Extra Bonus: If you watch the webinar until the end,

    You’ll also get the chance to jump on the mic and ask me questions live.

    So if these sound appealing to you… join us on Tuesday 17th October at 7pm BST

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